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Development is currently ongoing for SFIAB.
The Version Control system being used is Subversion (like CVS, but better!). For more information on Subversion, please see:

Mailing Lists

Development List (List Archives) for discussions regarding development, new features, bugs, etc.
Commits List (List Archives) will keep you up-to-date on every source code change that happens.
Users List (List Archives) for fair organizers / committees to communicate and ask questions about SFIAB usage.

Support Ticket System

Free (volunteer/community based) Support
Paid Support Contracts

Bug/Feature/Request Tracker

Bug/Feature/Request Tracker
(please do not use the sourceforge bugtracker!)

Wiki / Documentation

Wiki Page

Anonymous SVN Access

Anonymous SVN access is now available. To checkout the latest version of the SFIAB code do the following:
  svn checkout svn:// sfiab

SVN Write/Commit Access

If you'd like to get involved with the development of SFIAB and obtain your own SVN commit access, email me and tell me why.